In this work we reflect predeterminacy and living in a moment and desire to leave a trace.
Also in this work we continue to implement the idea of diluting the borders between art practice and life art. The score of the events is defined by chance for every show. and never repeats itself. The events (dramaturgical puzzles) can be divided into two group. Some of them are our everyday actions considered as artistic; others are our artistic statements rooted in our deeply personal feeling of life. Forming new sequence every time those puzzles morph and open up themselves to us anew. We call it a play because no matter what sequence happens the moment it is performed dramaturgy and drama emerge inevitably. We say it is a performance because every piece of the material manifests our personalities and their interconnection in real life, so all that happens equals itself.
Po.V.S.Tanze Dance Company
Concept, performance: Alberts Alberts and Alexandra Konnikova
Music: Richardas Norvila, performed by The New Oslo Losers Trio (Norway).
Light design: Egeniya Kaufman.
Also performed in the play the song 'Love Hurts' by The Everly Brothers.
Excerpts from the short story 'The Chamber of the Statues' by J.L. Borges and the poem 'Autumn' by A.S. Pushkin are used in the performance.
Set and graphic design (posters and programs): Vadim Koptievsky.
Costumes: Alberts Alberts
Duration: 1 hour
Premiered 28 October 2017
The play was presented at Boyarskiye Palaty STD RF, Performing Arts Studio "Sdvig" (St Petersburg), at Aktovy Zal (Moscow), at Tvorcheskaya Masterskaya (Petrazavodsk), at contemporary art exhibition 'Here and Now' at Manezh (Moscow).
/ currently on at Boyarskiye Palaty STD RF /
it is a performative play it is a PERFORMATIVE play it is a performative PLAY it is a PERFORMATIVE PLAY it is a performative play is a PERFORMATIVE
"itinerary is a fate map
destination is a destiny
draw every time anew
to leave a trace
for entertainment"
translated from Tamil, unknown author, 2nd century BC